Tuesday 15 April 2014


Normally this kind of show would suck me in; check out the books I write and then add in my thirty-something age and you get the picture.  I should know better but I don't like better.

I watched first episode on Sky1 in the UK and my eyes ACTUALLY ROLLED.  Like people do on TV.  It was an involuntary movement when the girl trips lamely in an attempt to flee men with guns and the alien she's fallen for goes to rescue her even though it puts his life at risk.  And it was a really rubbish stumble.

Still, I thought, let's give it one more try. 

Oh dear.

I got to the lines;

Her: I'm so sorry!
Him: For what?  Because my father's dead or because your father shot him?
Her: Because you're in pain!


I don't mind cliché.  Some stories are worth telling over and over in different ways but this dialogue is too painful for me to endure.

I am sure the subterranean subtext about racial equality/divide/harmony will change the world but at least it is one less show to clog up my Sky + box.

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